Friday, September 21, 2007

Morrissey in Tijuana

The Man, The Myth , The Legend - Morrissey performed last night at El Foro in Tijuana... For those who don't know, I am an obsessive fan of The Smiths and the Moz himself... obsessive not being an over-statment. This was quite possibly the best fucking show I've ever seen in my entire life, and I've seen A LOT of shows. I saw the Moz in San Diego a few months ago, on my home turf, if there was one- Embarcadero Park... it was a show plagued by bad sound, an underenthusiastic crowd, and meathead security (although I got some really good photos from it, that I may post later). The show last night had none of that, it was on some real TJ shit. It was the first time Morrissey has graced TJ with his presence, and in a country that probably houses more fans of the Moz than anywhere else, it was assured to be a good show. The crowd was littered with fine young Mexican Moz girls and lots of greasy pompadores. The way it should be. I love Tijuana (shouts to the crew- T$ set) its one of the realest places I've spent time, and is often my refuge from the States... It was a great performance with a great city providing the atmosphere... shit was off the fuckin chain son.