Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Visit to Jensen's Art Studio

I took a trip with my good mate Nick Jensen to his personal art studio in Holland Park today to get some fucking work done...
For those who don't know, Nick is a fantastic painter and just as good on a skateboard.
check his art at: NickJensen.co.uk
and If you haven't seen the new Lakai "Fully Flared" video yet... you're sleeping.
Nick is one of the best people on the planet, bar none... not to mention, makes one hell of a bacon sandwich.
I love this guy.

... and now I'm off to Barcelona. This is gonna be fun.


Dirtclog said...

Booya Justin, looks like your having fun. I like to see my homies lovin life. Miss ya

Stacks said...

Yo Justin Im trying to track you down. Email or call me.

-Michael Leon